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  • Friday, 26 July, 2024
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Dr. Rashmi Singh reviews progress of upgradation works at Tara Niwas in Udhampur

Dr. Rashmi Singh reviews progress of upgradation works at Tara Niwas in Udhampur

Commissioner Secretary, Hospitality and Protocol (H&P) department, Dr. Rashmi Singh today undertook a comprehensive tour of Udhampur district to assess the progress on upgradation works  of department’s Tara Niwas here.

 Director, H&P, Tariq Hussain Ganai, Joint Director H&P, Naresh Kumar and other senior officers of the department accompanied the Commissioner Secretary during the visit.

During the visit, the Commissioner Secretary also convened a meeting with officers to evaluate existing facilities at Tara Niwas. She emphasized on the need for continuous improvement in service standards and benchmark setting.

Dr. Rashmi urged the explore various avenues for making this place more visible on thd ground for better utilization.

Highlighting the pivotal role of Hospitality and Protocol department in extending courtesies to VVIPs, dignitaries, and State Guests, the Commissioner Secretary underscored the department’s commitment to delivering quality hospitality services and promoting the J&K brand of hospitality.

Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur, Saloni Rai and SSP, Udhampur also participated in the meeting. They spoke in length about the potential of complex  and assured  full co-operation to the department.

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